My Buddy, Sheena, came to visit! We had a lovely lunch at a little cafe in downtown Overland Park followed by some fair trade shopping, while enjoying the beautiful weather!!
She definitely knows how to use her vocal chords already. And she sneezes and grunts. But that little Saige sure is cute!!!!
I had so much fun setting in that cool chair and checking myself out in the mirror!
I did it!!! I finally mastered the art of walking on July 16th!!! I think Mommy got a little excited, please excuse her shakiness on the first half of the video! Watch out here I come......
Happy 4th of July!!!! Thank you to Grandma Connie and my Aunts for my soft and comfy 4th of July outfit! Check out my new light up sandals (shoes are my obsession)!
Nae, Nae, I really do love you! I had a great day with you, sometimes I am just a Mommy's Boy (and I know how to throw tantrums to get attention)!
P.S. I got to stay up extra late to watch the really cool fireworks with my Aunt Nae Nae and I loved them!
Ha Ha Ha, this boy Jude is a crack up!!
Sprinkler Elmo really knows how to make a great afternoon! Even the moms can't resist him!