Monday, April 7, 2008

My Very Own Photo Shoot


Show me Love!

Pouty Lips!

Work it......... Bat those long eyelashes!

P.S. I got my cast off yesterday, so my full body length shots are yet to come!

HAIR and lots of it!

You can just call me Mr. T!!!!

Another view of the Donald Trump hair!

I can even pull off a Mohawk! I know all the boys wish they could do this.

And the every day look....just plain, crazy hair!

OK! I am tired of these pictures, DAD, and tired of you playing with my HAIR!


HELP!!!!!! HELP!!!! How did I get behind these Bars!!!

JUST KIDDING! Check out the new wheels I got. Now I get to go bike riding with Mom and Dad!!!

Just in Case you needed a closer look at my newest, favorite HAT! Yes, it does have bugs on it!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Belated Easter!

I am one spoiled little boy, look at all the Easter goodies I received! I was told that I am not old enough for candy yet, but the Cheerios in my Easter eggs were sure yummy!

This swing looks like a blast........Ohhh, I can't wait to try this new swing out!

Look, Mom, I can dress myself now!

Where's Aidan? (Can you tell that I love playing peek-a boo?)