Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I finally got to meet him.....

My Very First Visit with Santa!!!!
From the picture, it may look like a rather serious visit (don't be fooled by the suit my mother dressed me in), but really that jolly, old St. Nick and I had quite the time! He didn't even mind me staring at him, trying to figure out that snowy, white beard of his. I told him everything that I wanted for Christmas from my very own shiny, silver cell phone to my tonka truck and maybe even a pony if I am a really good boy! I can't wait to see what Santa puts under the Christmas tree and in my stocking!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I AM Excited for Christmas!!!

If you can't wait for Christmas, and your face is sure to show it, scream "Merry Christmas!"

If you can't hold your excitement in any longer, stick out your tongue!

I can't wait to get my hands on all those PRESENTS!!!!

Merry Christmas to All!!!!

A Little Story about my Best Friend

Contrary to popular belief, my best friend is not my puppy as my shirt says below. First of all, I don't even have a puppy (my mommy and daddy won't let me have one, they say puppies are stinky). However, my best friend is Albert the Chicken. I love Albert the Chicken!

One really cool lady, named Sheena, gave it to me! I think she gave it to my mommy before I was born, just so I could see how cool she is and that way I would want to come and meet the world when she was in Kansas; so she could be the very FIRST person (besides my Mommy and Daddy) to see me!

Anyways, I love Albert the Chicken. We have a great time together and he even lets me chew on his beak, what a friend!

Thanksgiving was a HIT!!!

No One likes a Stinky Baby, so first I got all spiffed up to go to Seneca for Thanksgiving!

While in Seneca, I basked in all the attention. I got to play with my grandparents and my aunts and uncles! They sure do make me laugh and giggle!!! I love spending time with my Grandpa Roy!

I even had a chance to play in the this prehistoric rocking horse that my Momma and aunts and uncle played in. It bucked a lot but I held on TIGHT!!

I was even spoiled by my Great Grandpa Leonard, too!!

....and my GG Eunie!!!!

Thanksgiving is great! Tons of good food (I hear), fun people, and plenty of nap time!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Don't get too scared. It's just me, Brown M & Ms are not scary!!!!!

However, I think I just saw a ghost! And they are VERY, Scary!

Wishing you lots of treats this Halloween! Ok, MOM, can I take this outift off YET?

Saturday, September 8, 2007


I almost forgot to tell you! Last time when I visited Grandpa Roy, he gave me my 1st Four Wheeler ride. It was so relaxing that I fell asleep in his arms on it!!

I am experimenting with new foods. I have mastered cereal, so this week I am going to work on either sweet potatoes or avocados!

You can't really tell in this pictures, but I have been working on some strength exercises. My legs are pretty much as strong as an ox these days. So my new favorite toy is my jumperoo....I get to jump plus it is filled with fun colors, music, and sounds!

August, continued......All about ME!

Well, the biggest news is that we have a new house.....but I don't have any pictures to put up of my new room yet, so stay tuned!

I have been having a blast with my Daddy. We like to play airplane and copy each other's sounds!

I saw my Dr. a few weeks ago, even though he gave me shots, I still like him. He calls me Mr. Personality and that I am!

I love my Mommy and Daddy sooo much!

I am just too adorable!


We made a road trip to St. Paul, Kansas to see my buddy, Dominic and his family. We also celebrated his 1st Birthday with them!

Dominic got to eat cake, but my Daddy said I could only have milk, Nuts! But at least I got to play with Cosette and her mommy, Olivia.

I am still a little bit small to play with the big boys, but I had fun watching them!

Don't I look good in my John Deere outfit?!?!?! Dominic's birthday party had a cowboy theme!

July Continued.....

My Uncle Brian was here visiting and playing with me....

We all took a very long road trip to see my Great Grandma Louis in Ellington, MO. She is such a sweet lady and she will be turning 90 very soon!

And I have been trying to make time for playdates, I am a busy man. I really like to play with my Friend Cosette, she is a week and a half older than me (I know, I have a thing for the older ladies)!

Wheww....It has been a while, here's an update for July!

I was baptized on July 1st and now I am a child of God! Can you tell that I love it??!?!?

I went swimming for the first time with my buddy, Joachim and his momma, Katie. I look a little sleepy in the picture, well, because I slept most of the time in the was so relaxing!

But, I woke up and then I had a blast in the water and playing on my beach towel!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Until next time......I will leave you with this heartbreaker!

The Fourth, continued

I couldn't leave out pictures of my other aunt, Shayla. Isn't she a crack-up, she makes me smile!

And my Uncle Lee, we like to hang out together....or nap together!

The Fourth of July- My First Holiday

My Firecracker Outfit from Aunt Renee, don't I look handsome and so thrilled!!

My Very Proud, Aunt Renee

It wouldn't be the Fourth without visiting the Kohakes. Here I am with my Grandma and Joe Kohake. (I don't know why the picture is so small, sorry!)

My First Holiday and My First Horseride. Grandpa Roy was sooo excited to give me a ride. We look like true Cowboys!!!

My Baptism- July 1st

My Great Grandma Winkler made my baptismal gown, didn't she do a wonderful job!

Fr. Cullen baptized me at Queen of the Holy Rosary Church. My godparents were my Uncle Brian and Aunt Renee. Of course, my mommy and daddy are in the picture also.

Meet The Crane Family!

And the Winkler Family!

Wheww, what a day..... I got splashed with water, posed for a million pictures, and I love being Christian!

Some Really FUN Visitors

About a month ago, my Grandma Crane came to visit me all the way from Chile. She is great! We love to laugh, talk, and play together!

My Uncle Brian is also here visiting. We have gone to some really fun places with Uncle Brian, so there will be more pictures to come of Brian and I.

My favorite fountain at The Legends when we visited. We also ate at T-Rex, I didn't even get scared of the animals!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hat Contest!!!!!

Alright, so not only do my friend Joachim and I have some matching shorts but he also thinks he needs to wear my hats!!!! So who do you think best pulls off this cool hat look???

Keep in mind, I have a matching shirt!!!

Don't let his sly grin, fool you!

Movin' up to the Tub

No more sponge baths!!! I get to use my very own bath tub!!!!

I love taking baths!!!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy! I love you!!!!